Thursday 8 February 2018

Lots Of WhattsApp Messages All Asking Am I In Dubai

The Computer Says No But The Ad Says Yes 

I can only imagine there are no more mature women out there or that they aren't admitting they are because i am here in lovely sunny London and the weather is boiling, i wish! No if they read this they will see i am not out there but i did an ad and i did it as a free ad so it costs me nothing and it remains on their unless i put it to hold and then it doesn't show but i haven't bothered to remove it so there you go not there but as far as the weather goes i wish it was here instead its a bit naff to say the least.

Every single day i wake up to see loads of messages all asking if they can make an appointment and am i in Dubai or where in the Middle East. But of course I'm not there so its rather immaterial and also a guy asked me a weird question i can't remember what it said verbatim but it was in the realms of do you do anything a little kinky - kinky being some sort of domination or what i think it was that so i said to him you look like a normal sort of guy why would you be interested in that. Then he replied at my polite remark that there is nothing wrong with it i should read 50 shades of grey. So i said if you read it he was the one that liked to dominate not the girl and its a shite book and if he wants to read a good book of that ilk he should read a book called the story of O - i didn't get a reply to that. You may find that there are so many men who want to be your slave or some other load of crap the most ever i came across that want domination but they came to the wrong woman that isn't my bag of tricks at all. 

Not there and not removing the ad or putting it to rest for another reason but i am the one that knows what that reason is and i don't mind saying sorry not there its interesting to see how many people ask if and when i am going and to keep their number and let them know when i am going which is nice and a bit sad all at the same time.

Liz - Not busted just not in the UAE could go in May for what will be my swan song.

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