Saturday 13 August 2016

People That Claim Benefits That Are Perfectly Fit And Healthy

The Claimers That Should Be Outed - There Is No Parity

I have heard story after story about how people that were on benefits aren't any more because the government says they dont deserve it. But then how can someone who is unlike some of us unwell be awarded ONE THOUSAND POUNDS yes i did capitalise that because it makes me furious to see that there are those that believe being TOO FAT TO WORK is a worthy cause - as the Americans say you do the math.....Please say it as a plural because it should be maths. Reason for this is that there is one problem and several different permutations as to how you can solve the problem.

Anyway to get back to the plot people on benefits that do and dont deserve, the trouble is where do you draw the line. Should someone who is too fat to work with their monthly grand oh and they were a couple getting a grand each. Well how about you use that money - obviously not those too fat but to join them to a David Lloyd center or any gym to be honest sure it would cost a grand a year and make them lose the bloody weight how can that not make sense and if you are reading this then i am almost 100% sure you are on the same page with regards to this as me.

How much money should people who have the following get and how much do they get and how much is given then taken away and i know a lot of these people who are suffering from all of these.

1. Epilepsy
2 Cancer - all and any type
3. MS
4. Lupus
5. Strokes / Heart Attacks
6. Bipolar 
7. Manic Depression

This list goes on and on and i know a few people who are suffering from one or another of the above and yet all and every single one of them have had their benefit's cut right back and this is ever since it changed from being called DLA which is Disabled Living Allowance and ending this year and the take over of something called PIP which stands for Personal Independence Payment - well i can tell you that you call them or write to them and it is the exact same office or as my son may say, same shit different name - anyone who is disabled isn't ashamed to use the word of disabled that was DLA - seems to me that Personal Independence Payment is you are giving the money out but to all the wrong people and i have to state this as a fact.

So how do you make your mind up as to who is deserving and who isn't and how and when will you know if they cut your money? Only PIP know and like i said did they change the name from DLA to PIP because of the land of PC and not nice to say that word. I think it could be but then nobody really knows what is going on any more not me for one. I mean seriously how do you fill in the forms if you aren't English i was thinking of taking it up as a job but sorry to say i have seen one of these forms and its about 40 pages long and on nearly every other page the same questions are asked.

Do we lie on these forms, i would imagine some do and some dont it must be that simple but the one thing that gets me is that this is a system and there is nothing sweeter than beating the system although PIP or DLA i dont think you can beat it not from what i hear and have seen. Bring back the DLA it was a better system but that couple that are too fat to work i want to see how you deserve that money when there is f'all wrong with you other than you ate yourself fat, some of us are genuinely poorly people or doesn't that count any more???

Liz Hilton - Robbing from the rich to give to the poor or just a shameful state of affairs? 

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