Wednesday 7 February 2018

Not Blogged Again For A While Sorry.

Now This Is What You Call A Great Picture, Well I Do!

Well yes i haven't blogged for a wee while but not really that sorry because I have been really busy doing things in the house, like a new kitchen which i changed my mind about because finding someone to do the actual removal of the old and replacing the new is obviously rocket science, well i think we all know it isn't but finding a builder is just that hard and frankly i lost the will to live so i cancelled the kitchen and my reason for cancelling was that unforeseen circumstances which i wasn't capable of changing so i needed to cancel the order. I met the criteria which was i could only cancel the order within 14 days and i made it before then. You would think that people would want to earn money, especially after Christmas because most people have maxed out their cards and if you are a builder of any repute then you would be glad of the money but it seems that i am wrong. Personally just trying to find this one person or company to do the job when you advertise is also bonkers because i wrote only interested in builders living in London and fairly local to me. I did however get people calling me and living in Essex and various other places which were not in London  or close by and i seriously got so cross i cancelled a really lovely kitchen.

There have been other things i have been busy with and i am back working out in the garden again and just loving doing my planting of new plants this time i have gone vegetable mad as i said i would and done some potatoes and red onions which has been great didn't know how to do them but my friend Suzanne told me how so happy days lets hope i can produce some nice spuds and red onions, there were so many in the pack i have had to find someone who wants those going begging and of course i found someone. So when i am hopefully better tomorrow and not full of cold then i will be posting red onions off to him and i look forward to seeing both of ours growing. Not going to do cucumbers this year but i may do tomatoes again. Its all good stuff and just loving it so for me this blogging is secondary as my passion for gardening does come first.

Of course i am still Tweeting away like a gooden and can be found as @BritLizHilton or Luxury Lizzy so you can go on and see what i am writing about which is of course football but god knows what is going on at Chelsea but the song of he's getting sacked in the morning comes to mind and how much longer Antonio Conte can stay as our coach is anyone's guess.

Liz - You name it i tweet it but had lots of banter about the NFL Superbowl 52, its great fun.

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