Wednesday 26 July 2017

Sorry Not Written For Some Time

Not Written Because I Have Been A Busy Lizzy

I say busy but more like busy doing nothing and on the other hand spent so much time in the garden and gardening is a great way to catch a tan and getting very chipper seeing plants in and out of bloom along with having to do weeding and then no rain and asking friends to do rain dances to get the rain to come to my gorgeous garden and trust me it is gorgeous but it's been what they say an adventure because i haven't got into the grove of doing fruit and veg before just once and i went away and the guy house sitting didn't water my tomatoes so they died, bloody typical but this time i am in control and enjoying every minute of it and the rain recently has got them coming into view it really is very exciting.

All things on the western front have been good and bad but thats how it goes and sleep is so hard these days desperate to sleep at night but not got the urge to sleep that much these days and beginning to believe what i have been saying and that sleep is over-rated. 

This is beginning to read like a news section which it sort of is but i also have had my Birthday which was a lot of fun to a point went out with the girls and two of them got totally and completely hammered and as sober people they are lovely but how different they were with a good few drinks under their belts, well i didn't like what they changed into but it was fun until my friend was asked to leave the restaurant on more than one occasion - Oops!

So that's all about what has been going on and sorry for not writing for so long but there is lots more to come i promise you but to be honest other than tweeting and taking pictures of all my plants that really is all that has kept me away from Blogging and i haven't written on my other blog too much either but it is what shows on my Twitter feed and boy do people like reading the posts on there.

Take care and i hereby do promise to keep on blogging, honest.

Liz XX - wait until you read the ultimate on the front of RUDE.

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