Sunday 21 May 2017

First Time In My Life In A General Election

I Thought This Day Would Never Come But I Don't Like What I Am Hearing

It's no secret that I have always voted Conservative all my voting life possibly because my parents did I couldn't say but from what I have heard Teresa May laying out in her manifesto I genuinely cant begin to think which one is better than the other and I come back to thinking they are all as bad as each other and I think we all know I'm not far off wrong here.

I believe the pattern to be is that it is all the same but differently worded although what I have heard I honestly don't like how I could forgive myself by voting Tory. Taxing people that have illnesses in some cases and lets bring back fox hunting is another which I think is barbaric - Tax the rich not the poor and make life easier for those who need and are genuinely ill but one thing I did agree with is the money given to pensioners for heating which I believe is in the realms of £200 to be means tested and I know a lot of people over a certain age truly do not need this money.

Would I do a "Ruster's Millions" where he had to spend X many millions in a certain amount of days to get the millions to spend for real then who knows but he tried to get rid of it buy putting himself forward as a candidate for parliament with his tag line of vote none of the above which in layman terms would mean to rubbish your vote. Of course I do realise that the Suffrage movement died for the likes of women to vote and by not voting makes that very wrong, well that is what my mother has always brought me up to believe and trust me I know she is right.

Liz - Don't know who I will vote for but frankly I know Teresa May will get in but I cant vote Tory.

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