Friday 25 November 2016

They Didn't Meet My Expectations, This Is A Must Read.

This Is A Long Post But This Is Going to Read As Their Lie My Truth

Trust me I'm a doctor is totally the opposite that i am going to write here because how can you trust a surgery that write one lie after another, so many in fact that they missed out a few lies.

First error here is the letter started off as Dear Mrs, well as far as i am aware that should read Ms or Miss come what may that was there first mistake. I had been with said surgery i must add here for you for what can only be described as about 20 years but the last few i only stayed with them just for the hell of it to spite them, thats the truth.

Note carefully when you make a complaint about your so called caring surgery that if you do then you have to go through the process of  NHS England first who tell you the complaint can take as long as 40 days to come to a conclusion and until such time you cannot go to the Ombudsman to make complaint which is strange seeing as they are completely void of side taking they just read and make their decision, how long they take i have no idea not gone through that process as of yet but will be.

The actual time or date was late May and i got the reply to their findings in September of course that to you or I is not 40 days in any way, shape or form but then we aren't as stupid as they.

Apparently i called them at 8.35 of the 24th Feb 2016 complaining of chest pain - that is true. She was advised by the receptionist, who is as close to nobody as in the medical world as it comes to call for an ambulance. Truthfully i didn't call them i called non emergency services 101 to see what they had to say and to do and that was did i have any Aspirin in the house if not i needed to get some and take two immediately. Aspirin is the one and only pain killer not in my medicine cupboard. My son ran to the chemist told them and they gave him the ones requested and i took two which immediately did cause the pain to lessen if not disappear.

Apparently i refused this advice re: calling for an ambulance but then i didn't call them at 8.35 the surgery doesn't open until 9.00, physically impossible so there is another lie. Apparently the GP called me back and i wasn't answering the phone, phone right at my side. When he did call back or the time he eventually called back in reality not a virtual one as before he said and i can quote nothing about taking Aspirin to myself or anyone - His exact words were thus. If i were you i would call for an ambulance because by the time i get there she could be dead. Yes that is exactly what he said i heard it with my own ears. He did add onto this that he informed me that i should take Aspirin, at no point did he make mention 101 non emergency services advised us of this.

Then he has written in accordance with NICE guidelines NICE guideline [CG95] - I didn't read what NICE has to say but it does have written refer people to hospital an emergency if an ACS is suspected. I presume anyone can call for an ambulance so i ask why didn't he. - Too late it was on its way possibly - may die before i get there, shocking or what?

He then has lied saying that he talked to my son later that morning because i had not taken his advice, do tell can you see any advice, agreed you can't all advice from the fabulous 101. Apparently i didn't take advice from a member of his staff, receptionist lol not a doctor or himself so he explained and he agreed and understood and apparently took me to the hospital. I would add at this juncture yet again now having spoken to my son said that my son couldn't drive me to hospital. Please note here y'all that my son rides a motorbike we have no car - i can hear you laughing but it gets even crazier read on.

Now a statement from another member of the practice a Dr Mohammad Baktiar:

On the 23rd of May 2016 during my on-call shift i phoned as requested. From the beginning of our conversation the patient was very rude and unpleasant (won't be the first or last to be so.) Apparently i was rude about the practice, and i also made rude and derogatory remarks. Now this may be true but not as he put it - N.B. i never go to the surgery just get my chemist to fax a list of medications needed, i hate the surgery, don't want to catch some lurgy there ergo i don't go. Allegedly he asked me why i was calling what was the matter. Apparently i had a fall and i wanted him to come and see my knee as i was in agony and his thoughts on the matter etc., that is true. Well i was rushed to hospital and i have pictures everywhere showing the fall i had, the garden stairs everything but apparently i didn't tell the hospital, seriously you can't make this up. Apparently i didn't speak to anyone about my knee, pictures say i so did. Pictures show my foot, knee which had the ligament torn but again he said why didn't they deal with it at the hospital. 

He came to visit me after his clinic, this would be when he bloody well felt like it, time is 8.30 thats one hell of a long clinic in anyone's eyes. My son came in after him although here he went out and came in with his phone carefully on the side recording the entire visit, oops he didn't know that. Apparently i was angry and verbally abusive to him about the surgery and Dr Wright. Well that isn't true as the recording showed. If i am verbally abusive i save that for my son not to a quack. Well apparently he did examine my leg and knee and it was slightly swollen, yeah right with the ligament out just slightly swollen. He said he needed an X ray or scan before he could make the correct diagnosis. Apparently i said he was hopeless and incompetent like the others. I did not say this at this particular juncture the man is barking, really you have to read on it gets even funnier.

I was very resentful when i asked her about the fall and how did it happen. I explained that it is important to establish the cause and circumstances of the fall. He repeated this more than one time more like five times asking me why do i fall nothing else just why. I explained that i suffer from a form of epilepsy which causes me to have drop attacks. His reply to this was why do you have these drop attacks, i said to him i just told you i am epileptic these are the seizures that i have nothing else. He again asked me why at this point i looked over at my son who just rolled his eyes in sheer disbelief so i said any chance you read any of my notes before you came to see me, if you did then you would see just what the matter is. He again asked me why, now come on would you be getting ticked off yet, well i bit my lip and i said i imagine it comes from stress i don't know i am not a doctor nor a Neurologist. I told him i was in agony and he said at NO point what i should take for the excruciating pain of the knee and showed it to him again - hold onto your hats this is breath taking what he next said. What do you want me to do put my hand over your knee and MAGIC it better. He said that gods honour he said that. I looked at my son and now his jaw dropped in total disbelief he said that as did mine. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

This paragraph is true of sorts, he told my son to come down to the surgery the following day and he would write out for him for him to collect for me to take to the hospital to get an X ray to see if there any bony or other abnormalities quickly. My son did go before he went off to work and i went to the hospital where they told me we don't understand why you have come for this you need to have an MRI. I told the GP this whereupon he told me what do they know they don't do the MRI's, apparently they do i asked. I did forget one lie and that he advised me to continue with my pain killers for the time being. I asked him a million times which ones i should take at no point of his visit did he make mention, absolutely no point and i have it all recorded so who is the liar, seemingly they are.

Oh trust me it gets better, if humanly possible. Apparently when i went to the hospital on the 31st May i was assessed as not a suicide risk ergo they could prescribe for me codeine tablets. Now i did feel very suicidal at some points of this time but allegedly not there are loads that know it is the truth but hey can you believe how many were prescribed for me - 90 when i said to him how can you prescribe that many for someone who is close to the edge he replied where did i get the tablets from which chemist, so i told him and he said HA well i prescribed 120 for you i suggest you get a new  chemist, i replied back to him i think i need a new doctor.

Every single word of this is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth although they did miss out that they informed St Mary's that they requested for me an Knee MRI and a Shoulder one, they left this out i can only imagine because they asked for MRI Rt leg and MRI Rt Shoulder twice, how can that be i hear you cry. I had to cancel one of each and go for the other one. The GP asked for this you and I cannot do so it has to come from your GP.

When i was sent a letter by them saying that the surgery no longer wanted me on their books thats a ditto from me to spite or no spite i had it now one of the reasons for removal of moi aka said patient was that i had : Expectations that were unrealistic for them. What expectation do you have from your surgery seriously don't you think that you deserve good treatment and not Gross Negligence, they have no duty of care for me that was for sure and that is the oath that doctors swear, duty of care. I should obviously on have Great Expectations of the Charles Dickens variety!

I wrote every complaint down clearly and concisely to those wankers at NHS England and of course you and i know that NHS is going to look after its own or cover their backs but i had to wait for the computer says no and to go on further to the Ombudsman. Which i am going to do be assured because to lie is one thing but to really suggest he put his hand on my knee and MAGIC it better is a whole different ball game. Got a new GP but what can i say, same shit different surgery.

Liz - Me thinks that doctor Baktiar is on the Magic Mushrooms - Or prescribed himself something.

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