Saturday 22 October 2016

What's In A Name

A Rose By Any Other Name Would Smell As Sweet.

Taken from Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare about the houses of  Montague and Capulet, the two families who were in dispute with each other and Juliet sees no need for this to be as she loves her Romeo who is from the house of Montague. They are but star crossed lovers and even their love for each other is not enough to end this warring of the two family's.

Escorts have what they call stage names for some odd reason and think that calling themselves these bizarre names will along with the booze make them feel disjointed from the job that they are doing so i am told, it isn't them doing this but someone else and that is how they deal with it but there are many actors and actresses that didn't start off with the names they later got in their career the heads of studio or directors thought other names would be more of a selling point. Norma Jean Baker became Marilyn Monroe, there really is a heck of a list but even with the name change to Marilyn Monroe she never did win an Oscar and she wasn't a peroxide blonde to start with she had brown hair but a nice make-over and she was a stunning woman along with every other peroxide blonde on the studio sets.

Now i did say the time would come when i got sick to death of keeping the non disclosure of a certain evil, stupid bitches name to myself and so i feel that now is the time to know what the photo taking idiot otherwise known as Bristol Ebony Escort or @BristolEscort or Paris B her real name is and i know she thought i didn't know it but time to share and it is almost as bad as Norma Jean Baker - it's actually way worse. Janet Ann Siddick - now that is a surname i would of changed without a doubt, no way as being her job is just practically what her name is and that would be either a sick dick, which she obviously is or just a suck dick again perfecta. You can change your family name without doing it by deed poll you can just change it but you have to change your first name legally. Sadly someone has put her pictures out there with her real name and i have to say that now it has been Favorited, re-tweeted etc., nothing i can do to get them back. But theft is theft and with no head showing it can for sure be obvious that she has stolen other people's pictures.

Norma Jean Baker sounds way better than Janet Ann Siddick i would have to say but then all is fair in love and war. I could quote for hours but then i did finish school, university the whole nine yards which to be fair is more than these girls ever did which is a shame.

Liz - With knowledge comes power and with power comes knowledge, never kid a kidder Janet.

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