Saturday 1 October 2016

Wonder If You Can Take A Degree As A Hacker?

I Honestly Don't Know If You Can, Doubt It But So Many Can And Do!

Hacking has been going on for ages and you are told to get your laptop covered with some anti virus usually they try to sell you NORTON, don't buy it you can get so many that are free like AVG and many, many others and Norton can mess up the laptop - when you get your first laptop then you just buy the lot because you know, no better when you do then you know when you are being ripped off and i do believe that this new Windows 10 is a total rip off and lord above it had its year old anniversary a coupe of weeks ago and if you didn't catch it to decline fast enough to do so then it took around 3 hours on laptops and on desk tops less time still i do not have W10 i am still on W7 and it is always going to stay this way. My beautiful Acer that i bought around 5 years ago from a guy on eBay i bought for £200 and i still love it although to use it you can only do so with it plugged in which is a bummer so i bought another one a Lenovo and this is a little diamond, absolutely love it reminds me so much of my Dell, absolutely adored that, someone bought me a new one out in Dubai, - really appreciated that it was gorgeous a pink mini dell, lovely guy so sweet and nice. Always takes me out for a meal and some mocktails, yes reads right i don't drink alcohol. He lives near the Creek and its a nice place to live just never do the dinner on this boat trip its shit.

So how do you hack someone off line, how do you hack into major player banks anywhere in the world i honestly wouldn't have a clue but a boy of 17 in America just hacked into Wall Street and took millions, i think that's incredible but he did it although the strong arm of the law also got him, more than likely will be recruited into the CIA i would imagine when a bit older.

I had one blog hacked off line, hardly went onto it and it was just a fun one as it was about Cruella de Vil but it had a different colour background, it was white so if i wanted to show something i could use that for this purpose. I know who did it but done because she didn't want anyone to know that she was a stalker, sitting outside my house watching me go to the shops, she wrote it but not stupid i did of course print it off so i still have it - I make sure i always take copies of everything dated back to 2013 when all the trouble or my troubles started with this stupid girl around this time. Do hope she is deleting everything because that would be a total waste of time, i already made copies of the lot. Just love it when a plan comes together. Could be a man with a plan or a woman on a mission and for me the latter and this time it won't be mission impossible, it is already job done.

Hackers will always have a go at hacking and as long as it isn't me or anyone i know then fine why not try to bring the establishment down if that is your thing, would i try to hack into someone if i knew how? The very good money says no because takes someone special to do it and i don't have the ability to do it nor come to that the time and inclination to bother.

Liz - There will always be Hackers and there will always be Haters and i think the two go together!

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