Wednesday 28 September 2016

The Story So Far!

The Story So Far Hasn't Even Yet Begun Or Has It.

How would you feel if you received a call from the police, would you believe it was them or would you just say i don't think this is the police sorry mail me so i can see just who it is from? Personally i would say the latter because anyone can call and say they are PC Jackie or PC Harry Mohammed - i mean seriously who would you believe the call or the mail, still going for the mail here but then it actually doesn't concern me although it has someone else and i think she will be absolutely doing something in her pants, i know i would be utterly shocked but then she is over and above guilty. Her normal retort to anything like this is written on twitter with a sentence like - What a drag i have to go to the station again to make a report. When in fact it is the other way around but she is devious and i imagine now feeling pretty desperate.

Would I, could I tell you who this miscreant is that has been spoken to by the cops, well of course i could but i may leave it for a little bit later because if you can't work it out for yourselves yet then it's going to come to light trust me on this.

I once told a woman who of course should know better that you should never put into writing that which you wouldn't want anyone else to read or perhaps you changed your mind but sadly she didn't listen although i think very good advice. Sometimes when something gets under my skin i write an e-mail and put all my feeling's down and then send it to myself and so it is there any time for me to read and if in a few days i go to read what i wrote i feel the same way then i send it to that person just cut and paste it and take that i sent it off to myself and send it to that person whoever it may be. I always think it is a good idea to mull over things and if i look and i see what i wrote and i didn't send it then i am glad i didn't do so. See i think it is good advice which i take myself.

To see that someone writes the first thing that comes into their tiny mind is just fine but when they have been warned not to do so by the police that is an entirely different matter and her need to write constantly that someone needs to take their medication shows me that she needs to take hers. But some people are very secretive and hide the fact that they have to take medication for what she suffers from and that is she has chronic depression and takes medication for that along with claiming lots of benefits and works and doesn't show this to the taxman. Well sad to say she is the one who has this mental illness and desperately needs help and more than likely on some sort of sickness benefits. She told me she is Bipolar but looking at her more like a Polar Bear.

Some people really do think they are bullet proof or Teflon but sometimes, just occasionally they aren't and when they get a call or mail or both they still take no notice and continue on doing the same old same old but then who does this make look bad, not myself but her because she had this long time coming and i just gave the police all the information for them to see. She left off and then started again so i just let her dig her own grave and she is so good at that, or is that just wishful thinking?

I don't think anyone but Paris reads her tweets and now she is writing go on to DM which is Direct Messaging because i sent Paris, Violet & Clare the same mail in one hit of course showing the hate that Clare has and showing how she reported two girls in Australia and like nearly everything she does was an absolute failure. Still i went to no lengths i just forwarded the mail to see the truth.

Now i know she got a call today didn't you Milly or Clare i think she has a lot of other names but she does use them all and the police have her numbers and her mail address although she does claim to be in Dubai i say she is in Kent because she tried to hack into my twitter a/c on the 22/9/2016 but this was done via the media of android and twitter informed me or asked me had i done so from an area i am not actually aware of but it turns out that it is in Kent and that is where she lives. Also at this juncture my phone broke and i had to replace it, so i was only using my laptop and so i sent the mail saying had i signed in from an area not known to me and if not then to change my password. Well i didn't change it because i wanted the police to see it all so this was another thing to add onto the list.

Like i say some people should never put into writing and then again she more than likely will be going to the station again - this would be in her head not reality because she has nothing to go for other than to get a telling off, i imagine her messages will be flying all over to Paris undercover of a DM and i say that would stand for Dozy Mares the pair of them. 

I read her latest tweets saying how happy she was, somehow i don't think so but there you go again this time projecting my feeling of being happy but she does suffer from the real projection of feeling so shit about her life onto others. Never mind on Twitter she says home in two days, her daughter told me she was home. I imagine she never went there just lying on her bed or settee utterly depressed.

Liz - I would imagine she got the fright of her life i just wish i had been a fly on the wall to see it.

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