Friday 23 September 2016

Trying Hard To Keep A Secret, It's Not Easy For Me.

Never Been Good At Keeping A Secret, You Have Been Warned.

My Brother always use to say to everyone that if you want someone to know your business then tell Liz because she can't keep a secret unless you make her swear to it.

He also use to say if you want the secret out then tell Liz because she is better than taking out a full page spread out in a newspaper. Sadly i can't call him a swine because it is true i can't keep a secret.

Don't know why but i think that i am a person that happily listens to what you are saying and i do get confided in a fair bit but if someone says this is just between you and me then that is just where it stays, between us. I would never tell tales about something someone swore me to because it usually is about how they are feeling about themselves. I tell people how things are going, good, bad or indifferent and i hope they keep what i have said to them under raps!

If i am on social media and i want to talk privately then i know it goes without saying that nothing is repeated, especially by me because they wanted to talk privately and so that is what i do keep it private. Sex, Lies and Video Tapes is what a film is called i think you could add Secrets in there to.

Liz - Got a massive secret of my own but you have to read between the lines to know what it is!

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