Saturday 24 September 2016

Steampunk Theme Seems To Really Rock On My Blog.

Again It Is Shut The Front Door On The 11th September 2016 I Had 3,000 Hits Look Now.

Totally into this Google Blogger now and took some time for me to like it but definitely liking it more and more now and kept it strictly to Steam & Diesel Punk because it is so adorable. Although the picture showing is if you can believe it Gothic Punk. All genres of punk on this Google Blogger.

Like i say 3,000 back 8 days ago and now well over 4,000 and i think i have had this blog for what a couple of months and all because my other one i couldn't sign in to and i am if i say so myself a fairly prolific blogger, just love to blog about everything and anything really that takes my fancy but i never thought my love of Steampunk could have this effect i honestly didn't but yet it has. 

I destroyed my original blog on Goggle Blogger because i got up to well over 150,000 hits and for me it just got stale - everything i did someone else copied but they have yet to copy this blog thank goodness for that. - I had for a long time had it designed to be just the black and white movie stars and then i got told no i did that first hands off by some nobody and because i couldn't be arsed with her blathering on how it was her idea i then thought how about pictures in the style of beautiful Bollywood ladies. Now nobody came a knocking at my door going boo ho you stole my idea so i kept it at that for a while. I like themes and i love this theme of Steam or Diesel or Gothic punk and it would appear that you to do so thank you - just waiting for someone to come crying i nabbed their idea and quite frankly this time i won't give a damn.

Spoke to a guy yesterday or Friday, yes that is yesterday Liz and he said that he was a reader of my blog and i was really surprised and thanked him for doing so saying that's really cool hope you like it and he does. Even cooler he was reading it in Dubai and could see who was hot to trot and not and who has a black mark to their name and who goes down as being dangerous and good to know, shame he is in Dubai he seemed like a nice guy but there you go.

To be honest i thought i would lose all my contacts when my phone broke the other day but they all saved onto WhattsApp so pretty pleased about that must have over 100 contacts and all Middle Eastern which again is a bit of a bugger but such is life. Just had to get all the Apps organised and put a home page picture of Cruella de Vil on there - my absolute heroine and job almost done. I do need some help with a couple of things but my friend is coming by some time in the afternoon on Sunday to play around with it because i can't get a notification of e-mail on, just small things like that to those who can but to the likes of me that can't well best left in his hands. 

What is heartbreaking is that i lost all and i mean all of my pictures and that has really ticked me off especially one i had of my son and one of my brother, mother and i taken last year on her birthday that has upset me the others, well no big deal. My son went out and bought me a new phone because he is the best son in the entire world and universe. Admittedly i did give him the money to buy it lets not make him too much of a martyr here but he got bits to take it from 16 - 32 mega bites. Not got a clue but it is so much better but the other finally went up to the dead mobiles in the sky.

Liz - Thanks so much for reading and truly that shocked me how many hits this Google Blogger has.

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