Friday 23 September 2016

The Metropolitan Police - I Wanted To Join The Force, Cushy Job

I Wanted To Join I Honestly Did! And It Wasn't For The Uniform.

I thought it would be a great job, heard it was pretty easy and lots of time off etc., But my health precluded me from joining nothing else but that.

Saw on TV how a young lad had wanted to join and he got turned down for another reason and that his dad was in the slammer or as said on rubbish TV soap a Career Criminal. What sort of career is that but i didn't know this could be a reason to be turned down, as it turns out neither did he.

I would have to say that any dealings i have had to make with the Met have been pretty good. But what a shame i couldn't join the force i think i would of made a good detective could of risen up the ranks to DCI or Superintendent who knows but it wasn't to be and i heard that when it comes to women who work as PI's Private Investigators are known to be some of the best. Mind you i would imagine that their fees would start at funny money, don't know never hired anyone or needed to.

If you watch any cop shows on the TV you would imagine that in reality it works the same way but they i imagine are slower and more thorough or just in general much slower at getting jobs done and i know that paperwork is one reason. If a cop is under investigation or deemed to have done something wrong they call that when not allowed to be at work of all things, gardening leave. Strange term to use but trust me that is what they call it.

Liz - May be I could of worked on the switch board who knows, not me cos the computer said no.

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