Thursday 22 September 2016

Projecting Your Feelings Of Inadequacy Onto Others.

This Is A Mental Condition Which You Need To See A Psychiatrist To Help You With.

It isn't a common complaint but one found more so in women than men and it is usually as it would read that someone who has a dead beat life and not happy with what is going on in theirs so they need to project their fear and loathing about themselves onto someone who has the life they can only wish or dream of having, not something i suffer from thank god but i know someone that does and her envy of just about anyone would and does make us all wonder why she is like this but it is her condition.

She writes on Twitter the first thing that comes into her head about mostly myself because she hates the fact that some people do have great lives, not great health but i have a life which is firstly something that she doesn't have, i don't get on great with my mother but you chose your friends and not you family and not sure that everyone gets on that well with their families. Possibly i could say we don't get on because we are to alike, you could normally say that but we are so different that to say we are Poles apart as in North & South Pole you would be spot on. Nevertheless she is my Ma and i her daughter and we do love each other but sometimes i don't like her but then you have to be thankful she is still alive.

Projecting how bad you feel about yourself onto others is also rather childish you would think she would know better but then i don't think she comes from a good home - i do know she was excluded from school and never to return with another lady called Selina but to be frank i loved school and if i knew how tough the real world would be when i left school and university i would of stayed on to get a Masters but i honestly thought that going and getting a job and earning money was going to be great and it was. The you go full circle and have your own children and definitely try to be the mother you wished your's had been to you and i think my son has turned out really well. But then his education cost me an arm and a leg. God only knows what it costs now to go to boarding school i would imagine that the fees are much inflated.

They say your lies will always catch you out and in her case they have putting a picture on Twitter and saying she had her hair done in The King's Road and the little dot to the right of the picture you touch and it says Chaning England, looked at it and never heard of it, turns out it's in Kent. But this is just one lie and there are more and more she writes every day. Another of how i am stalking a photographer called Allan, doubt she knows his name mind, yes i did write to make an appointment with him in December 2015 but definitely not stalked him and i passed on all his details to another girl called Paris who went to see him and got hers done there. Bog standard pictures but when it comes to the airbrushing i couldn't recommend him for that, so airbrushed he must of run out of paint.

Not jealous, not anything of you Clare because to be honest how could i be? Your problem is that you just ain't me and that you can't stand. I imagine Paris is only friends with her because she is scared of what she may do to her. I have a life, i have friends going back to Grammar school and i am still best mates with X boyfriends, one of whom i consider so good that he is one of those friends you can count on your hand, think we will both love each other till the day we die, in a friend way.

Clare or English Milly whatever you want to call yourself the best thing for you to do is make your life better than it is not spend hours searching for girls on the laptop and report them to the port authorities, gets you nowhere. Stop lying and because you get caught out with all of them. I don't feel sad for you or sorry for you this is your problem so stop projecting all that is wrong with you life and put it on others because frankly i just want you to get a life or if you can't do that just move on. I am positive if you just tried to you could but i just fear that she won't. This is a lesson that Katy Hopkins could learn to. All brought on through depression i believe.

Liz - Move on Clare for your own sanity and just try to leave others alone and you may like yourself.

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