Monday 19 September 2016

Shame Clare Can't Make Mention Of My Real Name ;)

I Say She Can't Neither Can Paris But Clare Is Gonna Get Hers!

They actually both got theirs already due to the fact both were called and both were written to by The Metropolitan Police and for once they stuck to it but unfortunately they ain't that bright so i rather like seeing a Tweet where i am called HR Elizabeth and quite right to they are just surfs. They should be down on their knees to me begging for forgiveness which quite frankly is never going to happen.

I do believe with this Tweet there was wording like she needs to take her meds. Well i most certainly do what is to be ashamed about to have to take medication for Epilepsy frankly i have no shame at all but i think you both should and especially you Clare or English Milly as you darling if you want to go into competition with me you are bipolar which as i keep telling you is a Mental condition so you are as mad as a box of frogs, unless you ate those to, cooked actually they are quite nice taste like chicken. How she would ever know not a clue she is such a gannit she would eat them raw.

I have to say jealousy isn't up there in my top 10 faults so once again you seem to think that i am but alas not so therefore i have to say wrong, how could i possibly be jealous of either of you both of you are the scum of the earth and dreadfully deluded is Paris that i could be jealous of her pictures she just had done. What an odd thing to say in the first or last place, although i would have to say again just six any good is hardly winning the lottery. I do believe i recommended to her this man so how could i be jealous, didn't see him because he was a bit thick with his BA Hons but he did tell me what University he went to and his age and it would appear he didn't go and has no degree in anything but bullshit so i highly recommend Clare to go see him would be right up your street.

Now if she had gone to see Ella as I did in the past or John then really they are up there right at the top of my list of greats but then again I don't need more done but Clare where are your new professional pictures you said and also that new blog. Nowhere to be found sad to say was waiting to read the real truth about you reporting escorts, reporting mothers to schools, informing Australian authorities of Violet Dew and Paris going there. Bet you would forget all that and how sad nowhere for you to advertise other than one directory due to the others despising you. Now that is as they say the real truth and also that's all folks. I must write to Violet to show the lengths you would and did go to when she was going to Australia but you couldn't afford to go. Taken her 18 months to go back to the UAE due to her not having a pot to piss in and nobody wants to see you, i wouldn't go either if that were me still thankfully not you. Never could go as low as you but then who can?

Liz -I have no warrant against me as do you two, then again no accounting for stupid is there Paris?

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