Tuesday 13 September 2016

People Who Follow Where You Are Touring : AKA Keyboard Warriors

I Heard That People Don't Actually Write Dates Because Of Being Reported!

Found a mail i had from someone that really needs to get some Psycho Therapy but would never admit that she is in need of it that would be way to easy but no she is a Psycho & Keyboard Warrior.

At the moment i am hearing a lot about hate mail, revenge porn and just hate tweets and texts. I have sadly read how children are bullied and had texts that have upset the person in question like there is no tomorrow, i have to imagine they don't tell their parents for whatever reason but some do and nothing is done. If this had happened to my son i would of got him a different number for his phone how difficult can that be but if the child says nothing then something awful can happen other than self harming, it can and has gone further and that is a crying shame.

My mother always said to me that Hate is a dreadful word and nobody should hate but sometimes you just can't imagine how vile people can be and the girl who really is psychotic needs help or possibly she is beyond it but i tried to show someone what she has written but i don't think she read it i have no idea but this person has reported so many i wanted to show her how her hate for anyone that is doing better than this keyboard warrior had done. Hope you read it Paris and i hope you show Selina and Violet Dew both of those she despises for her own reason. It's hard to dislike or hate people that you don't know and that is why they are going to Bristol, Swansea, Aberdeen or even Gatwick don't put the date or correct one for fear of being reported. Don't ask me why anyone would do this because i have said before it is beyond my understanding, i can't believe this has always like this, would love to tell you but it isn't anything i know about for me when i go away it is just for a holiday and meet up with friends.

What i read shocked me to the core that i am thinking of forwarding it to Violet because it is awful and how she is working illegally in Australia and calls herself and Paris Ebony why not call yourself black. Well i would imagine if you are mixed race then you would only call yourself ebony because you aren't black.

What i read was so unbelievable i couldn't bare to see how she wrote how she needed to make an e-mail address similar to one of another girl, yes really another girl so it would look like she had done it, how crazy has she got to be. I know that Violet is very busy from what Paris told me and she goes world wide and can afford to do so which i think is where her distaste comes in, or what really can only be called jealousy.

Considering showing Violet not sure or should i just not get embroiled in it all, well i think that i will keep thinking about it but i know that she let the Australian authorities know she was on her way although sure her name can't be Violet and same done to Paris both can afford to travel worldwide but she can't and because she can't she feels the need to report them and she tries to drag you in to her plans which takes the heat off her. 

Liz - Following to report being a keyboard warrior is just awful it really is but i will think about it.

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