Wednesday 14 September 2016

It's Mid September, Think The Year 2016 Is Flying By.

My Mother Always Says The Older You Get The Years Fly By!

Watch this space because for sure before you know it there will be loads of Christmas gifts in the strangest of places the main one being Sainsbury which is a supermarket. Everyone just takes a guess as to when we are going to see the ghastly Christmas cards even the music will start. I think loads of us buy Christmas cards and they last for a couple of years because we go nuts, think we don't have any and get some more when all the time we just put them away somewhere and totally forgot until you find them!

The year is flying by and it's really strange how fast it is going and yes the older you get the faster the years go by, who knew my mother would be right but it seems she totally is.

I was out in Dubai one time and in the UAE i think there were more Christmas lights and every lift i went into there was piped Christmas Carol music or muzak - had a great time but i have to say of all places i didn't expect that i would be in surround sound of Christmas in Dubai, still had a great time.

Liz - One thing i can tell you is that time is timeless but Christmas goes on for ruddy ever.

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