Tuesday 13 September 2016

Amazing How If You Push Sometimes You Get What You Deserve.

If You Aren't Winning Then You Really Aren't Trying Hard Enough

Seemingly i was told that i should do something and that person laughed so i made note of what he said and i did just what he laughed at and blow me down with a feather i wrote Sunday got a reply today and even better not a bounce back mail a proper one. So there is a feather in my cap - really chuffed at not being fobbed off.

There are a couple of sayings that i love with regard to how people behave and these are just a couple of them here for you.

I believe everything, everyone says to me and on a daily basis i am disappointed.
People are a constant source of disappointment.
There really is no accounting for stupid.

Liz - Seems that being stubborn can pay off, have to wait and see if things go my way?

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