Sunday 11 September 2016

Sometimes It Really Is Hard To Watch A Chelsea Game.

Not Quite Chelsea Blue But Will Have To Do For Now.

I sit and watch and wait and for some strange reason Chelsea FC seem to think that scoring one goal is going to win them the match. Rose smelling time it isn't not never ever an actual cushion would be a minimum of two goals like i say minimum.

Sticks and stones and all that but Costa is getting some horrible things said about him for some reason Swansea are calling him Elephant Man i wonder if they ever saw the film about this man. 

Bit gob smacked if i am honest first its a Banker, means you should win it with ease the next we score and winning with one goal from Costa then the next minute doing the dog his dinner and i missed two go in from Swansea. Can't bare to watch any more think i may try to live more in hope than expectation because this was not supposed to happen it really wasn't. Still we did score again in the 81st minute we seem to have this knack of scoring at the death or as it use to be called by Man United in the last few minutes remaining "Fergie Time" like i say that is one point and that is in no way good enough to draw with them when we have really big games coming up in the fixtures.

Liz - I blame a girl called Emma Chenery because she put the hocus pocus on it. AFC below us though!

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