Saturday 13 May 2017

Changed The Design, Changed It Back - Phew

Just Fancied A Change Because It's Supposed To Be As Good As A Rest

Fact of the matter is I did change it because I got it into my head why not and then of course when I did go ahead and make the change I thought again because on my other blog that I have it has a great backing which is red roses and I do have to say I really like the design of it but as I said it was just to write about things I knew about for a book, time for people to read the real truth about a very nasty business and some of those that appear on it! The sad thing is that I say stories but they aren't as such they are all true and how being nice gets you no brownie points at all and another sad fact is that it would seem that people have more respect for you if you don't help them and pretend that you are busy and will get back to you which I didn't know that is how you earn respect. If you do live in the land of common sense it should prevail that helping others is the way to go not because I think so because it is the right thing to do.

So hope that it has gone back to the colour scheme I put on here will check when I have written this so here's hoping and to coping if it hasn't. Going to be writing something soon about how you can get yourself on page one of Google it's a clever trick but trust me it works.

Life is good, life is grand, and that is because my football team is back where it should be top of the league as it has been all the time with points ahead for a while and nobody needs to try to catch us if they can because we are the Champions and no time for losers because we are the champions and unbeatable now.

Liz - Watch and learn how I can show you how to be on page one of Google all by yourselves. 

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