Wednesday 14 September 2016

Apparently My Pictures Are Airbrushed To Death, Well They Aren't.

Had Some Hysterical Comments On My Other Blog - Laugh, Nearly Bought A Round

I gave a girl the name of a photographer who was going to do some pictures for me and then it turns out he doesn't do Steampunk style pictures, hasn't got a Scooby Do what this means. I told him its all about the corset, how can he not know what it is, so he Googled and got back to me and possible peed his pants thinking i wanted pictures that he wasn't capable of doing. Yeah you work it out he didn't even know what the look was, what sort of photographer is that - stoopid comes to mind.

He can only do the sort of pictures i would never want and i have a guy that takes the pictures in his studio and i do hair and makeup before i go and then he can add me into or onto anything. I just saw a girls pictures the clueless Steampunk guy did and she has changed her picture header from a really trashy one to a new one and her side picture is the same as her header. If you look at it i think you or i definitely can say he has used so much airbrushing of them that i doubt he could have enough left for other pictures. 

Not claws out said they are quite nice but again took all that money for 6 half decent pictures in flats they hire or are hired out and you don't even have yourself showing in great parts of the rented apartments, i could do mine in my home because it is beautiful - really should do them here and i could do some with my beautiful dog. Now these are her best pictures so well done just need to do something to your site, now that is the worst site i ever did see, so bereft of writing other than where she tours it really is sad. You need to make a new one with good grammar and far smaller margins if you have nothing to show. - Apparently her website has made her thousands, shame she hasn't declared it to the taxman. Well that's what she told me - her lips to my ears, ha, ha, ha.

Liz - More pictures cost her 700 and only 6 that are worth airbrushing better than 2 last time LOL.

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