Thursday 15 September 2016

The OFC Old Farts Club - Times Change Not Always For The Better.

Things I Remember And How They Have Changed,

Here is a list of things that i think have changed and how much fun those days were compared to now but then family life for a lot of children isn't the same when you come from a single parent family. See even that has changed, people stayed together for the sake of their children, not any more though and that is because people today are intrinsically rather selfish.

1) Play Station etc., today but my day it was board games or cards, you had to use your brains ;)
2) Christmas is on your card and takes months to pay it off. 
    Christmas i got just a skipping rope or hula hoop and a stocking of Cadbury chocolate selection.
3) Never answered my parents back or ever heard them swear.
    Rude children who have no respect for their parents and swearing to all is par for the course.
4) Nobody had TV's the size of their rooms they were tiny and not everyone had them
    Everyone has TV's that are large its the norm or is it just a sign you have the bucks for one?
5) Your parents worked to pay for food on the table, pay the bills and clothes
     People are scroungers in general and too lazy to work. The state owes them a living - Mmmm.
6) People did literally pop by for cuppa and a chat or borrow sugar.
    I don't know my neighbours not even their names, possibly a good thing.
7) People use to go out with their children to a cake shop for tea and cakes as a treat.
    People can't be bothered to cook so they get a take away or take them to a burger bar.
8) Family was a really big deal and usually a really big family you actually liked and played with.
    Today bits of kids have kids to get a flat from the council, family is just a drag.
9) There was some bullying but i never got bullied because i was tall, miss puniverse but tall.
    There is social media where you are a good target to aim at, admit here i have a go at deserving.
10) So much stress, depression, mental illness - no nobody talked about that.
     People do talk about what they are going through but honestly few actually care.
11) People eat different food every day of the week, nothing set in stone just what do you want.
     Every day of the week you had the same thing for dinner and didn't expect it any other way.
12) Nobody gives up their seat for an old lady or a pregnant one. They don't have good manners.
       Always gave my seat up, everyone did it was just good manners and still is.
13) You hear how your parents talk to people or how rude they are or racist.
       Nobody spoke out about race, creed or colour but those families that do breed children that do.

I am sure i could go on for miles and smiles on here but truly nobody is without stress today for one reason or another could be for any of the reasons above. Money is the new rock and roll and yet if you come from money as i did you never discuss it because i think it's vulgar, nobody needs to know how well or how badly you are doing its your own business. That's what my parents told me but then you either had or had not there was no such thing as new money then it was old money.

I missed out things like Cell phones or how few people had more than one or two phones in the house, no such thing as sending a text or of course e-mail, everything went via the media of writing a letter. I think we had two phones when i was younger but no answer phone just a good old fashioned phone. No Internet obviously either because you didn't need it.

I leave you with this one question - Is less really more - I would have to say yes and i would also have to say there was less stress because all the new smart phones and cars or bikes you have to show off only can cause envy or jealousy on some parts for the normal of us who wouldn't stress out that someone had something i wanted i would just save up until i could afford similar. What you are taught when you are younger stays with you the rest of your life so make sure you don't end up being a dead beat and the world owes you a living because it doesn't.

Liz - Personally i would join the Old Farts Club in a flash, back in the day was better, trust me.

1 comment:

  1. Liz, I agree with the sentiments you express, but I love the experience of living in 2016 with all our technology and conveniences we have. I'm also very, very much older than are. Where you've hit the nail on the head with youngsters is the quality of parenting which is absolutely paramount in raising a generation of honest decent young people. That's where things have gone wrong. I'm really proud of our sons who are what every parent would wish for.
