Thursday 15 September 2016

Escorts Are In General Toxic

That Is A Horrible Thing To Say But I Do Sadly Think That In The Main They Are.

Even more toxic though are men who follow these creatures on twitter and seem to think that the girl actually cares what they have to say, one guy follows a few girls i know and he wrote to me some delightful comment so i noted that if he thought i was so disgusting and i do believe he called me a slapper i went onto see who he was following and showed him the errors of his ways saying these are escorts darling or prostitutes so no sweetie the same can not be said of me.

Men can be as bitchy if not more so than women but both on this occasion I find to be toxic or as my mother always use to say to me if you don't have anything nice to say don't bother saying anything at all, although being that he was a plonker and rather rude perhaps he should rethink his approach as everything he said when i blocked him went into a puff of smoke rather like him. 

Liz - Ignorance is no excuse for stupidity and Escorts and Punters it seems are actually toxic.

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