Monday 11 December 2017

Sleep Perchance To Dream

Sleep Perchance To Dream Would Sum My Sleep Pattern Up.

It is quite a long quote from Hamlet and it is very confusing how he dreams how his father has been killed and now his mother has married his uncle, indeed it is very confusing - Not really digressing but in his case he feels that if he should go off to sleep then he would die, i some nights would die to get some sleep.

I have noisy selfish neighbours that think its fine to come in at midnight with friends and put music on and talk really loudly, well that's not fine especially when getting off to sleep for me is really hard but to have the point where you reach the moment you are going to bed and know you can sleep to find the noise upstairs is worse than annoying - but they don't get one mans ceiling is another mans floor because they are selfish shits.

I thought that i was in the minority that finds it hard to sleep but the more people i speak to the more i hear how they have trouble sleeping too. Be nice to go to bed and just go straight off to sleep and trust me i have tried so many different ways but nothing works and the more you want to sleep the more awake i stay.

Liz - Never going to get to sleep with the noise upstairs tonight but revenge come with that cold dish!

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