Wednesday 30 August 2017

Can A Man Or A Woman Be In Love With Two People At The Same Time

My Thoughts On This Is That Yes They Can Be.

I do believe it is possible to be in love with two people at the same time. But I can't say that I have ever felt this way but i do believe it to be possible. 

Being in love can sometimes be the most wonderful thing until you begin to realise that it has run its course and who is going to say something first. In this instance i think that it is the male of the species who does this as the female although at times more deadly than the male always holds out hope that they could be wrong but as i heard from someone close to me their motto is. Never throw out dirty until you have clean. Of course this was a man that said this.

I do believe that the man is easier swayed at this being in love with two women at the same time more than the woman although i can't say i know anyone who has been in this predicament but then i may not know because they obviously can't say. Always friends are quick to say how they met a guy or girl and how nice they are and so forth but i do believe that if you are friends first and then become lovers that your relationship will remain for a long time and possibly marriage. 

Love to me in not all about flowers given or gifts but being there for someone come rain or shine and i consider myself very fortunate that i have a handful of friends, not going to lie just a handful of friends that i can call morning noon or night and they will be straight over. I don't need flowers or gifts i just need to know that i can call upon someone to be there for me. 

I have a friend who is hilariously funny, she use to be an alcoholic - she must as they say be clean now for over 15 years, of course a man did drive her to drink he was, and this is being kind a total bastard but he drank heavily and it made her drink mainly when he felt like hitting her for no good reason at all but at the time she said she loved him still. She saw no way out and one trip he dropped her off at her mothers and the final straw was when she was about to get out he shut the door on her arm and finally she came to her senses.

This friend who will not be named obviously i admire for her getting her act together and going to her AA meetings but in saying that she does have an addictive personality and she got totally addicted to going to the meetings bless her. You aren't allowed to say who goes to these meetings but she use to tell me which actor was there or supermodel came to the meetings which was fascinating to me. She is a really good looking woman, very funny and always happy along with the fact that through going to these AA meetings she has met many men who she has had normal, no battering relationships with and there is always someone on the go. I would be sure in saying like myself we have never been in love with two men at the same time.

Liz - Love is a very complex thing whichever way you look at it but nice to find a soul partner.

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