Saturday 13 August 2016

Open University, Where Is The Fun In That?

Correct Absolutely No Fun Studying On Your Own

I admit that i did do a degree and got a BA but not first class or with honors just a 2/1 but when i went to university i had to decide where would be the best place to go to take this degree, well to be honest anywhere that would take me with my exam results which were rather good but then i did have a lot of extra tuition so that i would do well. I found it really hard to get by with all my exams because i can read a page 10 times before it sinks in sadly. On the other hand my brother can just look at a book and he has a photographic memory the lucky so and so. But he went to public school and i went to the local grammar and imagine who went to Uni and who didn't get in - yep you got it right not him but me. He did though go to a polytechnic, well it is my brother and you do have to have a laugh but not at the expense it cost my parents but it does make me laugh and my father did to because i believe his words to my mother were i told you so.

I have a friend and she is the only way i can describe it as work shy. She got her degree via the media of Open Uni and then when she had done that she didn't want to work so she decided that she should go for a masters degree which she did yet again on Open Uni. I have no idea how well she did or what she got but i do know one thing she is looking to study something else, i did say she was work shy bless her. 

I spent three years getting my degree and have never needed to use it or show it - take that back i did show it to one job i had but i didn't lie on my CV because if you do then you can get found out. I only know this because i was watching the Apprentice - Alan Sugar one and someone had written so much rubbish on it and he caught him out and made him look like a real idiot, should be Lord Sugar nearly forgot that for a moment.  

As my mother use to say to my father, to be a good liar you have to have a very good memory and the trouble with you is that you dont have one. Must of heard her say that a million times to him because he use to leave his business and go and play golf and had what is known as a golfers suntan but he swore blind he hadn't been playing - sometimes you can get found out but i dont lie, exaggerate the truth i will give you that but i never lie because i have a dreadful memory couldn't even remember what i had for dinner yesterday but most of us are a bit like that.

If you can go to university you really should because trust me its the best fun you can have messing around but looking like you are a hard working student. I would have to say that i do know a few girls that put themselves through university via the means of holiday time working as escorts and if that is the way you can pay to go then why not. A lot of girls do it this way.

I told you that i had to find somewhere that would take me and that's true because it isn't always the one you want to go to but i will admit i had another reason as to where i wanted to go and it was as far away as i could get away from my family, not in a horrible way but i think you get my reasoning?

Liz Hilton BA but as i said never used it so it really just stands for Bugger All. 

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